Nästan exakt för två år sedan var jag nere och grävde i källaren. Jag ifrågsatte skäggmannens existens - han på det vita molnet - och kunde bara tillåta mig själv att garva när jag satte igång DVD-spelaren och kollade på The Office. Serien fungerade som verklighetsflykt och medicin i ett. Det var kvickt, syrligt, ironiskt, träffande, sarkastiskt, fantastiskt. Och det tycker jag än i dag. För er som inte upplevt David, Gareth, Dawn och de andra presenterar jag några sköna dialoger. Men tro inte att det är gratis. Eftersom jag är sponrad av Statcounter fakturerar jag alla som läser detta inlägg. 

Donnas och Rickys förhållande har blivit avslöjat:
Donna: So now you know.
David Brent: Yep. Brilliant.
Donna: What? You got a problem with Ricky?
David Brent: No, no, sleep with everyone in the office. He's not even a permanent member of staff. I'd have preferred it if you'd slept with Gareth.
Donna: It wouldn't happen.
David Brent: Oh Why? 'Cos he didn't go to university?
Donna: No, 'Cos he's a little weasel-faced arse.
David Brent: Yeah, you could do worse then Gareth. He hasn't missed one day in this office due to ill health. And don't call my second-in-command an arse-faced weasel, please?
Donna: A weasel-faced arse.
David Brent: Same thing.
Donna: Well no it's not. Gareth would you rather have a face like an arse or a face like a weasel?
Gareth: A weasel probably.
Gareth: All right then Einstein if you're so clever, what am I thinking about now?
Tim: You're thinking how could I kill a tiger armed only with a biro?
Gareth: No.
Tim: You're thinking if I crash land in the jungle can I survive by eating my own shoes?
Gareth: No and no you can't.
Tim: What are you thinking Gareth?
Gareth: "I was thinking will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster then a shark?
David Brent filosoferar:
“You grow up, you work half a century, you get a golden handshake, you rest a couple of years and you’re dead. And the only thing that makes that crazy ride worthwhile is ‘Did I enjoy it? What did I learn? What was the point?’ That’s where I come in. You’ve seen how I react to people, make them feel good, make them think that anything’s possible. If I make them laugh along the way, sue me. And I don’t do it so they turn round and go ‘Thank you David for the opportunity, thank you for the wisdom, thank you for the laughs.’ I do it so, one day, someone will go ‘There goes David Brent. I must remember to thank him.’”
Donna: So now you know.
David Brent: Yep. Brilliant.
Donna: What? You got a problem with Ricky?
David Brent: No, no, sleep with everyone in the office. He's not even a permanent member of staff. I'd have preferred it if you'd slept with Gareth.
Donna: It wouldn't happen.
David Brent: Oh Why? 'Cos he didn't go to university?
Donna: No, 'Cos he's a little weasel-faced arse.
David Brent: Yeah, you could do worse then Gareth. He hasn't missed one day in this office due to ill health. And don't call my second-in-command an arse-faced weasel, please?
Donna: A weasel-faced arse.
David Brent: Same thing.
Donna: Well no it's not. Gareth would you rather have a face like an arse or a face like a weasel?
Gareth: A weasel probably.
Gareth: All right then Einstein if you're so clever, what am I thinking about now?
Tim: You're thinking how could I kill a tiger armed only with a biro?
Gareth: No.
Tim: You're thinking if I crash land in the jungle can I survive by eating my own shoes?
Gareth: No and no you can't.
Tim: What are you thinking Gareth?
Gareth: "I was thinking will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster then a shark?
David Brent filosoferar:
“You grow up, you work half a century, you get a golden handshake, you rest a couple of years and you’re dead. And the only thing that makes that crazy ride worthwhile is ‘Did I enjoy it? What did I learn? What was the point?’ That’s where I come in. You’ve seen how I react to people, make them feel good, make them think that anything’s possible. If I make them laugh along the way, sue me. And I don’t do it so they turn round and go ‘Thank you David for the opportunity, thank you for the wisdom, thank you for the laughs.’ I do it so, one day, someone will go ‘There goes David Brent. I must remember to thank him.’”

1 kommentar:
*fniss fniss* Idag ska jag titta på The Office hela vägen till Skåneland :)
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